How to Manifest Things in Your Life | The Better Than Rich Show Ep. 29
Attract Your Reality
Attract Your Reality 〰️
How to Manifest Things in Your Life
What if the life of your dreams was more easily attainable than you thought?
And no - we aren’t talking about some get rich quick scheme or what most would consider to be a TRUE key to business optimization…
…we’re talking manifestation
I know I know. Wherever you fall on the spectrum of awareness to it - we’re here to help. And whether you’re a unsure purveyor of our podcast or a long-term client - we hope you get something out of this week’s episode.
We’re talking all things manifestation - from some of the actual scientific correlations, to how we use it in our lives, to painting a picture of how YOU can use manifestation in your life, too.
And, if you’re someone who’s been manifesting for a while - we talk you through keeping those goals & manifestations top of mind, so you can keep crushing your life no matter what stage you’re at.
As always - we’re really proud and excited to share this week’s episode with you & can’t wait for you to hear it!
Andrew Biggs 00:00
Your beliefs are what's creating your reality. A lot of times people think that reality is they're creating their beliefs. And this is the traditional way of looking as well, something happens and therefore I formed a belief about it. And of course, if you believe that, then that's what's going to be your reality, as well. But what actually you're looking at is a reflection of what your beliefs have been thus far.
Mike Abramowitz 00:35
Welcome to the better than rich show with your host, Andrew Biggs and Mike Abramowitz. The better than rich show helps ambitious leaders who are on a mission to leave the world better than they found it changed their perspective on what's important, increase their income and impact and systemize their life and business. If you've ever struggled with finding your purpose have felt disconnected or distracted or found yourself going through the motions. This show will remind you that what you do matters and will re inspire you to chase your highest dreams. It's time for you to become better than rich.
Andrew Biggs 01:11
Welcome, everybody to this week's episode of The better the rich Show. I'm your host, Andrew Biggs and I'm here with my co host, Mike Abramowitz, who I will assume this week is already doing fantastic and awesome. But Mike, what's going on man you excited about today? I am, I am good today, and
Mike Abramowitz 01:28
I am feeling fantastic and awesome.
Andrew Biggs 01:30
I figured as much I made that assumption for years. So before the before the show, we were talking a little bit about our VA program and some of the cool things you have going on. I figured we could even just bring that kind of conversation here on to the show. But yeah, man will tell us about the VA program. How's it going? And you know, what's got you fired up about it?
Mike Abramowitz 01:49
Well, it was cool because I we just onboard a new client. And she listened to that episode. And she she reached out to me, I've known her for a little bit. And she texted me, she said, Okay, I'm sold. Alright, she's like I'm sold, I've been shopping around, I've been thinking about a little bit, let's hop on a call. So I hopped on the call with her. And it was, it was a no brainer. And what's really fun is she just finished her first, like five days maybe with her VA, and she's like, I've already made my entire investment back in my first five days. And she's, she's freeing up her hours she's using she's leveraging the VA to free her up to do revenue driving activities to help her make more money, and also produce more more clients and more time. So it's really cool to get those types of reviews because I know what it's done for me and I love when somebody else who's kind of Skeptic or unsure or uncertain, they decided to make the commitment and then get an immediate return within their first few days. So it's been really cool to see that.
Andrew Biggs 02:49
Yeah, fantastic. And yeah, I saw that message in our in our Discord, we have a private discord for our clients in on the VA side. And it was just like, everyone's super fired up for her, you know, paying for investment in five days. You know, it's kind of a no brainer. And that's kind of what's cool about, you know, actually having business solutions, right, where, you know, it's really just what's my ROI on this investment. And obviously, for her, it's probably going to be 356 10x, right? If she puts you know, 100,000 2000 bucks into it, or whatever she's gonna make, you know, 1000 10,000 20,000 out of it. So just understand that. That's, that's such an important thing to remember, if you haven't gone back and listened to Episode 24 Make sure you do. It's also live on YouTube as well how to use a virtual assistant, you could check us out there. But or one more thing I will share on that is go to www dot better than backslash V A s VAs To learn more, there's some really cool stuff there, you can sign up to have a call with us, or just simply sign up for our services. So today's topic is really going to be about something that's really unique, near and dear to my heart and something that I've been really reinvigorated about lately. And it's a topic of manifestation and bringing things into our lives that we really want that we really desire. And so I just wanted to have this opportunity, this space to explore all our thoughts and concepts about it and to ask all the relevant questions and see if we can come to something that's useful for you the listener here today. Mike, when you think about the power of manifestation, what what comes up for you as a starting point to help people actually create the kind of kind kinda you know, little Rhonda Byrne if you haven't watched the secret? It's like classic. You know, but it's like, yeah, like what is it like to actually create something that you want? And because every single person listening to this, you want something, right? You want something? And by the way, you don't just want something you want to feel a certain way. The reason you want what you want is because you want how it's going to make you feel and so it's how do you actually create either getting that thing or the feelings associated with getting that thing that you believe you'll have. And ultimately, that's what we're going after we're going after better feelings. If you want to boyfriend or girlfriend, you want that, because of how you think it's going to make you feel if you want a new car, you want that, because how it's going to make you feel you want to hit a business goal. You want that because you have how it's going to make you feel. And so, yeah, people want these things. And that's okay to want things. And also, how do you actually get what you want? Because sometimes you don't get what you want, and why would you not get what you want? So that's what I'm excited about, you know, kind of exploring, and yeah, what What's your
Mike Abramowitz 05:37
why is it top of mind for you? I'm curious, what why do you think this is showing up for you right now? And you're like, drawn to this topic? Because I think it's a great topic. I love it. Yeah, I'm ready to jam on. I have a couple of thoughts on it.
Andrew Biggs 05:48
Yeah, well, I'll just yeah, totally, I've just been like reminded, you know, of just the power of my mind to be able to create, you know, my own reality, and just this reinvigoration of possibility, right, and feeling like in some ways, you know, creating from a place where I wasn't at the highest energetic states, and then you look around, and you wonder why you're not getting what you want? Well, you're not resonating at the frequency that you need to resonate in order to attract those things into your life. And so it's just a great a great reminder. And, you know, I was I was looking into a lot of these things. And I started rereading thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, if you haven't read that you're listening. I mean, it's kind of like a required recommended reading for, you know, being a part of personal growth, and part of the better the rich community. It's like foundational training. And it's just basically all about how to use the power of your mind to create what you want. So, you know, let's start with, you know, I'll share the concept of beliefs, right. And so your beliefs are what's creating your reality. A lot of times people think that reality is they're creating their beliefs. And this is the traditional way of looking is, well, something happens, and therefore I form the belief about it. And of course, if you believe that, then that's what's going to be your reality, as well. But what actually you're looking at is a reflection of what your beliefs have been thus far. And so what you need to learn is how do you actually change your beliefs about something, if you change your beliefs about something, and you're persistent in feeling the feelings about that every single day, and you're bringing that energy every single day into how you're acting, you're going to shift how things move around you, because you're going to start, even if it's even if you're not attracting it into your life, you're gonna start noticing things differently, because you believe a certain thing, you're gonna start looking for evidence of that. And, you know, in scientific terms, there's something called the reticular activating system, where what you're actually doing is you're, you are making something more salient or making something more important to you. So a great example is we named our son, Elijah. And all of a sudden, we started meeting all these kids who were also named Elijah. And it's like, holy crap, is this just like, super popular name all of a sudden? Or is it just that I'm noticing that there's more people named Elijah because that name is really important to me, right? If you buy a new car, it's another classic example that Tony Robbins gives you buy, you know, a Toyota Camry, and then all of a sudden, you're driving down the road, and you see Toyota Camrys, everywhere. The reason is, because that car is important to you, because you own it. And so what that's doing is it's activating this reticular activating system. So you are like some, some stimuli are more important to you more salient to you? And then you're noticing them? Well, how do you think that happens, when we're thinking about creating something really exciting? If we're thinking about all the ways that things aren't going to work? Then we're gonna find all the reasons why things aren't going to work. If we're looking for all the things that are art, we firmly believe that something is going to work, we're going to find the things that are going to support that story instead. So yeah, man, I'm fired up. You know, I think you can see that, but what's, what's coming up for you?
Mike Abramowitz 09:14
Yeah, that's great. I love that you brought the RAS because a lot of people talk about it, but oftentimes, when they when they jam on, it's like, yeah, that sounds good. It seems like it makes sense. Yeah, it makes sense, I guess. But I love what the way you put it, it's like you're drawing your attention to something. And when you're drawing your attention to something, it's like, okay, if it has my attention, then I probably could explore it. And oftentimes, when we're exploring things, we poke around, we're taking action towards it. Well, what do you want to take action towards the things you want or the things you don't want? And a classic example of what we've done at our events, and you should be as you put the two ads out, one to the left and one to the right. And it's like if you Put all the things that you want in your left hand, and you're looking at your right hand, you know, or vice versa. It's like you can't see the things you want, if you're constantly looking at the things that you don't want. And if you're constantly looking at the things you want, you can't really focus on the things that you don't want. Because that's just how it works is what we focus on is what we bring about. So I really liked that. I also think that what you said about the feelings that you're creating, so ultimately, if we can predetermine our results, that's that's essentially what we want. What we're talking about here is, is results predetermined. So if you look at like, you know, there's like this little chart where it's like, most of us are chasing outcomes. So it's like our outcomes, we want these results, let's get these results, I want this possession, I want to win that trophy, I want to get that paycheck, I want to land that client, I want to get that deal, whatever that is, that's your outcome. So it's like, let me get that result. And once I get that result, then that triggers a certain a certain belief, it's going to trigger a certain belief, like I'm worthy of this results, and I get the result, I believe I'm worthy of the result, when I believe I'm worthy of the result, then I feel self confidence. And I feel self confidence, I feel adequacy, I feel worthiness. And when I feel this way, then I take actions that are aligned with those feelings. So if I feel confident, if I feel worthy, then I'm going to take risks, I'm going to try new things, I'm going to explore a little bit more, I'm going to empathize and tap into more deep curiosity. And what does that do? When I do that, when I take those actions, it's gonna get me more results, and it's gonna get me more outcomes, the challenges, the outcomes aren't always there. So when we're trying to chase outcomes in the outside world, we're trying to get possessions in the outside world that end those outcomes, aren't there? What does that do? It triggers these beliefs. So we don't get the trigger the belief of I'm not worthy, I'm, my belief is I'm actually not capable of getting those outcomes. I'm actually not worthy of it. And then I feel inadequate. I feel anxious, depressed, worried, defeated, burnt out overwhelmed, and what type of action? Do I take isolate? I separate myself? And then what type of results do I get? Probably not many results. More of the same. So the goal of what I hear you say is how do we predetermine the results in our mind. So that way, we are influencing those beliefs that trigger those feelings. And we put us ourselves into action. And regardless of the results in the outside world, were predetermined the results in our inside world and continue to manifest that cycle.
Andrew Biggs 12:47
Absolutely. I mean, I think you're hitting the nail on the head and what what you said, there is the moment, right, there's a moment of decision there when you don't get the results. Right. Or you, you know, a piece of evidence comes in that would make you that would dissuade you from continuing this belief. And it's like, well, you know, I didn't get the exact result I wanted, I didn't have as many people, you know, on my team as I wanted, I didn't have, you know, the sales result I wanted, I'm not where I want to be. So that's the moment where we have to decide, do I give up on my belief and create a new one? Or do I keep it firm to the belief that I have, and that is that were that absolute certainty that I'm going to create this result, regardless of what the circumstances are showing up currently is so important. So you know, a reinterpretation of that, you know, one might be like, well, this is a lesson, right? So, if a result comes back, that's not entirely what you'd like, well, then it's a lesson, right? It's an opportunity to learn. And you can actually feel grateful for that result, because now you're learning something that's getting you closer to where you are going, right? Or it could be like a redirection, right? Oh, it's actually really great that I didn't get that result, because it's actually, you know, setting yourself up for something, something else, right. The old cliche is like, When God closes a window, he opens the door so that if God closes a door, he opens a window. It's like, the whole concept is, you know, every single time that's a notice something, it's just a yes to something else. And so, again, if you can feel grateful for that redirection in the moment, that's really good. So there's different ways of interpreting this. Maybe it's even feedback that oh, man maybe actually wasn't as convinced as I want as I'm supposed to be meant. Let me actually go back and create even more strong desire for what I really want and have even more connection to my vision. So this is this is some really important things that come up for me. You know, one of the things that I was thinking about for from your perspective that I really admire about you, Mike, is just how you keep your goals top of mind. And first off, you have really clear goals, but then you also keep them top of mind. So I'd love to hear from your perspective, how do you gain that clarity? And then also, how do you keep it top of mind because I think so often, people start But with either one or the other, or both of those things, and they end up, you know, kind of getting whatever they get, because they're not super clear on what it is that they even want.
Mike Abramowitz 15:12
Sure, I'd love to jam on that. Before I do, I want to make sure I double click on the Chinese proverb that I really want to make sure that it's, for me, the Chinese proverb where he talks about that a farmer had a son and had these horses or had one horse, and the horse ran away. And all the neighbors came over to the Chinese, the farmer and said, Oh, my God, I heard your horse ran away, I'm so sorry to hear that. He says, I don't know, maybe it's good. Maybe it's not good. The horse comes back with five other horses. So now the neighbors come to the farmer and say, Oh, my gosh, you must be so excited. You got now you have more horses, that's so exciting. He says, maybe it's good, maybe it's not good. And one of the new horses that came back with the horse, his son was riding it, and it was a little aggressive horse and knock them off, and the son broke his leg. And then the neighbors come over and say, Oh, my gosh, you must be so upset that your son broke his leg. He said, maybe it's good. Maybe it's not good. Well, because his son broke his leg, the village had to go to war, and the draft that the government came in the draft and he said, Oh, your son has a broken leg. So I guess we can't draft him. So he was able to not get drafted. And they were said, You must be so excited. Your son didn't have to get drafted. Because of his broken leg. He said maybe it's good. Maybe it's not good. And then so just this idea that totally whatever is happening, we let's be unattached, because who knows exactly what whether it's good or bad? Let's relieve ourselves from that. And just I love the question you asked me years ago, which is, what is this here to teach me? You know it, the more we can ask yourself that question is like, what is this here to teach me? What is what is the lesson I could draw to this? What feedback? Is this giving me and that's, that's the most intelligent way. It's not like my wife was joking with me yesterday, Lindsey said, You're just so positive. It's like, you're the positive one. I'm like, Yes. And I just think I'm intelligent. It's not necessarily it's in the most intent. And that's what I say to myself, at least I tell myself that it's I like to think it's like, the most intelligent thing to do right now is to be positive. That's more so what I'm saying to myself. I'm not saying be positive, I'm saying the most intelligent thing for me to do right now is to find the gift is to draw the lessons is to be positive. And that's what triggers the positivity. But it's more triggered by the question that I'm asking myself.
Andrew Biggs 17:34
Right. Right. And so you're asking yourself the right questions, I think that's another thing we can come back to. But what I'm hearing you say is, there's a thought process that goes into it. This isn't like, hey, let's just be happy all the time. Let's pretend like there's no pain and suffering in our lives and in the lives of others. But it is saying, Well, what are we what do we actually want to create? What are we going to do differently? And what's gotten you this results? Probably is just going to get you more of this result if you don't change it. And so what if we tried having a positive attitude? I think that's ultimately where I would love to leave you today. The listener saying, you know, what, let what if I just tried with Andrew and Mike are talking about for a couple of weeks, and see if I can bring about a positive attitude, see if I can really, you know, cultivate these feelings of this motion, this clarity, this gratitude, everything that I want to cultivate, to create from a positive place. So that's, that's definitely up there. In terms of, you know, what I'd love for you to take away from this episode. Might you want to circle back and talk a little bit about clarity? I mean, I think that you really,
Mike Abramowitz 18:38
I mean, yeah, absolutely. The big thing is, is giving myself the space number one to figure out what I do want. And I do create that. There's, there's workshops I've attended, and there's workshops I've conducted on how to get clear of what I want that clarity is step number one, you must have clarity. So for me, I get clear, and get clear on what I want, based upon my reflections from the past and my vision for the future. So I look back into the past and say, Okay, these are the things I want to get better at, or I want to improve on or want to continue to work towards. And I look at the vision of the future. And I say, these are some of the things that I want to have in the future I want to be a little bit more of or become and I'll see there's like a gap there. It's like this is the past this is the future there's a gap. Cool. Let me get clear of what I what are most meaningful to me that I can make priorities. And I think that's a key word there which is priority some people say goals. It's that sounds good. Dreams are even really beautiful too. But I like to consider them priorities for me. So if it's a priority, then I'm going to make sure that it's getting done it's like I want to create resolve with myself. That's a considerate done, I'm taking aggressive action every single day towards this too, because I've resolved that it's already done. I just need to go create it. So getting clarity number one and then number two After I get that clarity is making sure I have a deep purpose behind the clarity. Why do I want these things? So after I list out all the, you know, this year, specifically, I listed on my 10 things that I want. And then I wrote down in detail why each one of those 10 things are important to me why they matter why they're significant. So then I have my purpose, after I've my purpose, I will lie, I align my identity, who do I need to be in order to be worthy of these these outcomes? So this is where identity based habits come into play, the identity based habit who I need to be, and what do I need to do in order to be worthy of these things. So for me, I adopted the identity of a healthy CEO, dad, a healthy CEO, dad, so my identity, and then I align number four, which are my actions that align with my identity. So healthy actions, CEO, actions, dad, family, man, family man with a business versus a business man with a family, making my decisions that are aligned with that identity and making sure my actions follow suit with that, and that's action. And then number five is planning. So my planning, this is where the priorities come into play. My morning routines are my morning rituals, my evening routines, my evening rituals, I want to be a healthy CEO, dad. So I'm a person who reads, what is the person who reads to do, he surrounds himself with a lot of books. So I have a lot of books, and I'd have him in my bathrooms, I have a mic next to every remote control in my in my house, I have them in the kitchen, and I have my backpack. Why because I'm a person who reads and becoming a person who reads so this this ideology of the planning is is very specific based upon though the actions which is based upon the identity, which is based upon the purpose, which is based upon the clarity. So it's clarity, purpose, identity, actions, planning, and of course, that all leads to execution. And the execution is the tiny actions daily, that I consistently do. And the hashtag tat one of those activities are, every day, I'll write my journal entry, which is what are my all my goals? Every day, I'll write something on gratitude grateful for or look at my affirmations and my vision and my goals. And every day I meal track. So I'm 190 days in a row meal tracking, since I set these intentions and set these priorities. Why? Because I'm a healthy CEO, dad, and that's what healthy co dads do. And they track their macros. So that's a very long way to respond. Hopefully I answered the question.
Andrew Biggs 22:40
Well, yeah, it's great. I mean, everyone, again, if you're, if you're wanting to distill that down for some really key takeaways, from my vantage point, it's get clarity, and keep these things top of mind. I love the identity based habits as well, though, it's like the identity based habits is really what it's about. Because we're what we're doing is we're deciding what we want, and then we're keeping it top of mind, and then we're conditioning it right. And it's like, all we're most of what our, how we act on a daily basis is just our conditioning. Right? Most of us are, you know, just conditioned to act in a certain way, whether that's positive or negative, or, or in fear, or bold, or whatever. All of that has come from what's our, you know, our past experiences. And so, you know, if we want to rewire that we have to be willing to read go out the process of reconditioning it, if you weren't somebody who reads before, that you have to start actually practicing these things, even if it's 10 pages a day. And then guess what happens? You know, if you start to recondition it, you've surrounded your environment. I was at your house, you know, a week or two ago. And we, you know, I was just, you know, there's books everywhere. And like, there was books, you know, when I sat down on the couch sports books, when I sat down at the kitchen table, there's books in the office books in the bathroom, all sorts of things. It's like, there's, you know, of course, this you're surrounding yourself in a environment. Yeah, fiction
Mike Abramowitz 23:57
to read is all around me. I think that's it. I love you said, you said it's really cool. You don't have a TV down here. And it's like, that's very intentional. Because if we did, I would probably watch a lot more TV,
Andrew Biggs 24:10
the temptation to watch TV would be stronger than the temptation to read
Mike Abramowitz 24:13
to read. Correct? Yeah. And what's interesting, I was just had this conversation with a client yesterday. And he's like, I usually listen to audiobooks. I don't know, I don't really read. I said, when's the last time you picked up a book, he said, probably two years ago, I said, so here's your assignment, I want you to grab six books, put two in the bathroom, two in your backpack, and then put to next to the remote control. So that way you have anytime you're tempted to pull out your cell phone when you're taking a dump. That's what I said to him. So you know, completely true that
Andrew Biggs 24:39
other than Russia, once you see a switch again, that's real, it's authentic.
Mike Abramowitz 24:43
So so if you're tempted to call your phone, that least you're also could be tempted to open up a book. And if you're tempted to pick up the remote, you can also potentially be tempted to pick up a book. And when you pull out your laptop, you also could potentially be tempted to pull out a book and At least you're in position in position to read. And I also give you permission to read one or two pages at a time. I said, if you take a dump two times a day, and hypothetically, you can knock out two to five pages per dump, that's four to 10 pages a day, four to 10 pages a day times, seven days. That's, that's between 30 and 70 pages a week, man, I said that you think
Andrew Biggs 25:23
of a person who reads I think we need to create like an infographic. Right? I'm like pages, like graphs and pages per dump? Yeah, that's, uh, yeah, it'll be great. Well create one. And we'll put that in the blog posts that people can find it Oh, so
Mike Abramowitz 25:37
you're saying is becoming a person who goes to the gym a person who gives gratitude? How do you how do you position yourself to be a person who gives gratitude? How do you become a person who loves the life they have, while creating the life that they desire? How do you you know, what are these identity based habits that can align with the identity?
Andrew Biggs 25:58
Absolutely. And so, if you're listening to this, again, practical, six books, almost six books cost 6200 bucks, right? You know, you probably are going to spend that this week eating out or doing something stupid, or you know, going out. So like, just spend it on books, instead, go to Amazon, pick up six books, if you want to know which six from a thrift shop
Mike Abramowitz 26:21
$1.50, they will work with $1.50 at a thrift store.
Andrew Biggs 26:26
There you go. So you could you could get it for 10 bucks, right? You know, so understand if you spend 10 bucks at thrift shop or whatever, you know, so you can have these books and have them all around you and start doing that. And then next thing, you know, you're going to start reading, because you've actually taken an action step towards that. And so if you want to know which six books you want to get started with, you know, send us a DM on Facebook, or Instagram, and we'll give you six books to check out.
Mike Abramowitz 26:55
And under that umbrella reading is one. But you also might think what are the other habits that align like drinking water is like one of those habits, meditation might be one of those habits. Tracking your nutrition might be one of those habits, sleep habits, right? So you have an idea of what do you deem like growth oriented habits? So maybe if you want to speak to them, like what are these growth oriented habits that might align with any identity that is manifesting a positive outcome in life? It's probably underneath one of these umbrellas of, you know, mourning rituals and stuff like that, that people are doing, they know what to do. It's like, are they doing them?
Andrew Biggs 27:33
Right. And I think that's one of the reasons I'm like, super fired up today. Because it's just a great, this is kind of a foundational lesson that I remember learning. You know, gosh, I mean, probably 15 years ago, right? And so it's like, 15 years ago, you learn this lesson, but it's if you don't keep it top of mind, then it can kind of go stale or your I already know that I've done that in the past and, you know, work sometimes, but not, not other times or whatever. But if you actually follow it, right, if you actually take the time to read the book to learn to, to actually implement, how to manifest something, really, it's it's a, it's a gateway to get whatever you want in life, right? Whether it's that perfect partner that you want, whether it's you know, a material item that you want, whether it's making a certain level of impact, or it's a certain making a certain amount of money. And so that's really what this is, you know, got me fired up about it. And I was thinking about, like, what's the gateway drug, you know, into manifestation. And it really is about changing your emotional state, right? Most of us are trying to create most of the world is trying to create from these lower tier emotions, like let's see if we can list them out. It's like, okay, maybe shame, maybe guilt, maybe anger, maybe fear, maybe apathy, right? So like rage, resistance, at the very least. So there's these very low to your emotions, right, that they're trying to create from and they're wondering why they aren't getting out of the cycle. Well, what we want to do is we want to actually change that from this, like frustration and this anger and this fear that we're going from and just start practicing gratitude now. Right here right now, as you're listening, what's one thing you can be grateful for? Like really feel grateful for that? Like, I'm grateful for the laptop that I'm looking at right now. I'm grateful for this. Michael, grateful for my co host, Mike Abramowitz. I'm grateful for you know, the home that I'm sitting in right now grateful for my piano. What are you grateful for? And if you can think about what are you grateful for as you're driving in your car as you're on the treadmill at the gym right now, as you're lifting weights, as you're, you know, sitting down at your desk, taking notes, whatever it is that you're doing right now, what can you be grateful for? And how can you just be in a continuous state of gratitude? That's the gateway drug into the you know, the clarity that you desire? Because as you start to feel grateful, you're gonna think, Okay, well, I feel awesome. Now, if I could have anything I I want, I can see that now as a possibility, what would I want and gain that clarity. And that can lead you down the steps right towards taking action and then conditioning those habits. So one of the things that I recently started doing is every morning, like, literally within five minutes, I'm reading, you know, I am statements, I'm looking at my, what I have, you know, quote, unquote, like, there are things that I'm going to manifest in the future, but I'm saying I have this, I have that. And so those things are, I'm feeling the emotions as if I already have them. And so what that's doing is it's conditioning, again, I'm coming from the place of the emotional residence, that's going to actually bring it about. And then I'm talking about what I'm willing to give in exchange for these things. And, you know, reviewing the plan of how to do it. And so that habit in the morning, and then at the in the evening, before you go to bed as well, just to prime your your mind before you go into the deep sleep. This is like such an important thing in terms of that habit. But ultimately, you have to feel the gratitude, you have to gain the clarity before you can actually do it. Otherwise, you're you're you're you're trying to think about what you want, from a really low energetic place. And you can't even get high quality answers. You can't even get high quality questions when you're in that low quality state. So that low energetic state, what's coming up for you make?
Mike Abramowitz 31:24
Well, I want to say to you the listener, you might hear everything you're saying and say yeah, but you don't understand my circumstances. Right now. I'm dealing with a lot of stuff right now. And I'm just in a tough spot, and you don't understand where I'm at. And my thoughts you is, I get it. Because, you know, when when I was in the hospital with James for eight for eight and a half months, 254 days, it's like, you feel like the winters never going to end it's it's really quite, it's a quite traumatic and painful experience. And one of the things I'll share two things, two best practices, they're called MVPs minimum viable products, what are the minimum viable products of gratitude when you don't feel grateful? Right? The first thing I did a lot of is I did walk in. So I got a Fitbit, I actually borrowed Lindsay's my wife's Fitbit, and she let me use it. So I still wear it every day. And this was a habit that I started in 2021 last year when we were in the hospital, and I just would count my steps. So my minimum viable product is can I position myself to get to 60,000 steps, because motion creates emotion. And if I'm going to be walking and doing my steps, then ideally I'll do it outside, so I can get a connected to some sort of nature or my Creator, whatever it might be. That's number one. So movement. The second one is I was how can I say this? I'll say this in the most condensed way possible when when James is in an incubator, and you there's no touch and you can't say, you know, can you hear me? Can you not like, there's just so much and there's so much uncertainty. And it's like he was born at one pound four ounces. If you don't know the story, I mean, it's so it was like, there's so much uncertainty every day was ups, downs, ups downs. So what did I do is I created a list to what Andrew is to your point, which is all the all the data activities that I'm looking forward to doing with James. And all these lists, there's like 50, or 60, or 70 items on this list of like playing basketball or playing tennis and golf and going to arcade basketball, Miami Dolphins game going on a Harley walking across fire to Tony Robbins event and doing a PB and J feeding frenzy like all of these things that I have on this list. And every day, that's what I read, I would I would see my son who's one pound two pounds. And I would look at this list to just remind myself and manifest, okay, like this is, this is what I'm looking forward to this is what I want to attract into my life. This is what it's going to be like and positioning myself to feel the feelings of what it's going to be like when we're playing catch in the yard while he's in an incubator. And that is hard to do. I'm not saying that was easy, but it was intelligent. And that's what it comes back to. It's not just about being positive. It's asking myself, What is the most intelligent thing I could do right now as a minimum viable product, it is direct my focus to the once and create motion creates emotion. If I understand these principles to be the truth, which I do, then that's the most intelligent thing for me to do right now in this crazy tough winter season of life that I'm in. And those are really great practices that I invite if you the listener are in one of those seasons right now.
Andrew Biggs 34:38
That's great advice. And I think just how you navigated that was so beautiful. I remember jumping on a group call with you and Brian lum was there and I remember him saying, you got this and he's like, there's no doubt in my mind. And I don't know if that did anything for you, but I just remember feeling like so blessed to have that sort of message spoken to you at that point in time of that uncertainty. And, you know, again, just to watch you navigate this, you know, not entirely, you know, obviously, easily, but like, what, as gracefully as possible, right. And I think that's because of the intelligence of understanding how the world works. And then, you know, putting some of these principles in place. So, this has been a lot of fun for me. I mean, I think that in some ways, there's, there's, I'm just fired up right today and just talking about it. And just, I think maybe we'll have to do a part two, where we can kind of give you guys more frameworks and thought processes, and, you know, bring bring in some guests to talk more about this. But it's like, at the end of the day, in terms of action steps from this, what I would want to encourage every single one of you to do is to recognize that what is going on inside your head is what's creating your reality. And as you start to change your mind, you will change how you are viewing the world, and you will start to change the actual circumstances of your life. So that's my biggest message. If you take that, and then you just start applying gratitude to every single situation, you start interpreting things with, with a positive outlook. And you get clear on what you want to put those habits in place. Take those actions every single day, you're going to create what you want, especially if you do the very last thing, which is at the end of the day, surrender and let go and don't force and don't try and trust that God the universe, whatever that is, they got your back. So Mike, what are your closing thoughts? Before we let everyone go for that?
Mike Abramowitz 36:36
I would say manifesting what you want starts with getting clarity of what you want. So take some time, sit down, get clear of the things that you want, and reflect on the past of the or not once and turn them into the ones and look in the future and say this is what I believe a beautiful future looks like and start there. You got to get clear without clarity. It's going to be it's going to be impossible for you to chase down something that doesn't exist in your mind first, so get clear what you want. And then future episodes will obviously be able to give you even more practicality on how to chase down those those ones.
Andrew Biggs 37:12
Fantastic. Thanks, everyone, for listening. I appreciate each and every one of you. I'm grateful for you. And again, leave today better than you found it. We'll see you next week. Bye.
Mike Abramowitz 37:25
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