How to Become Superhuman with Nick Santonastasso | The Better Than Rich Show Ep. 36
From Victim to Victor
From Victim to Victor 〰️
How to Become Superhuman
What would happen if you were born without legs and one arm and just one finger?
What would life look like if doctors told you that you had a 30% chance of living?
It would look like this: You write a book. You become a motivational speaker and stand before huge audiences. You speak alongside the likes of Tony Robbins and are idolized by folks like Dwayne Johnson.
In short, you become SUPERHUMAN.
You may have heard of Nick Santanastasso or perhaps not. Either way, you need to listen to our interview with him. Nick’s approach begins with asking questions and identifying the patterns that are holding us back.
Scoffing at the term “disability” as it relates to his bodily condition, Nick shows us that the only true disability humans suffer is from the thoughts that hold us back. Those times we misdiagnose ourselves as not good enough or stay locked into the comfort of old patterns because change is scary and uncomfortable.
Listen to our latest episode where Nick helps guide you to face what’s holding you back and use “unwiring” and rewiring to reprogram your mindset for success and become a superhuman.
Andrew Biggs 00:00
Do you want to win back 13 to 37 hours of your week, every single week? If you do, please join us we are going to be teaching the foolproof method to identifying the bottleneck in your business and teaching you how to resolve that we're
Mike Abramowitz 00:11
going to teach you all about our three epiphanies around systems. Mike, where can people learn more and tell about the program? Well, you're gonna want to go to automate delegate and you will learn our three epiphanies which is automation sequencing, how to delegate and use a virtual assistant, and how to step back as a CEO using strategic retreat. So again, go to automate delegate That's automate delegate and get more information now. Welcome to the better than rich show with your hosts Andrew Biggs and Mike Abramowitz. The better than rich show helps ambitious leaders who are on a mission to leave the world better than they found it changed their perspective on what's important, increase their income and impact and systemize their life and business. If you've ever struggled with finding your purpose have felt disconnected or distracted or found yourself going through the motions. This show will remind you that what you do matters and will re inspire you to chase your highest dreams. It's time for you to become better than rich. Welcome to the better than rich show. I am your host today, Mike Abramowitz and we have a special episode because it is me interviewing our first guest, which is Nick Saunton, iStockphoto. And if you do not know who Nick is, I highly recommend you to go to Instagram and check out Nick, soon as possible. Nick Johnson a star so he is you'll see him featured on stage with Tony Robbins, you'll see him having conversations with the rock, you'll see him speaking in China on stages of 10 20,000 people plus, the guy's incredible. And his story is remarkable. And you'll if you don't know who Nick is, he's a 25 year old entrepreneur right now, former bodybuilder former wrestler, and he is a world shaker and he has no legs. He only has one arm and one finger. He is an incredible human being with an incredible heart. And you'll notice that in the conversation that I have with him, I want you to pay attention to the types of questions that Nick asks, during this conversation, I want you to pay attention to the questions that I asked Nick as well. He is he has a great book called from victim to Victor. He's been featured on The Ed my let show you can check out his interview there. He has a great podcast as well of becoming victorious. So this episode is a special one to me. I've known Nick for a few years now. And I'm so glad to share him with you the listener. So here you go for an interview with Nick sands and his staff. So So I had the privilege and the honor of meeting you Nick twice, I actually a couple of times more, I guess three or four times at this point. But this was a really special moment. Because this was when I got my autographed copy of your book. And I'm still impressed to this point on you know how you were able to sign it so beautiful. Your hand your signature is better than mine. It's It's really remarkable. I'm just so fascinated by you by what you've accomplished by who you are. And I'm so excited to introduce you to all the different communities that I'm a part of. Nick, where are you streaming him from right now? Where are you living right
Nick Santonastasso 03:27
now? I'm in Utah. Interesting.
Mike Abramowitz 03:30
Very cool. Very cool. So Nick, you have this awesome book victim to Victor foreword, written by Ed Mallette. You've been featured on my last podcast, first form athlete bodybuilder model train with over 1 million entrepreneurs, you have the Victoria's podcast that just started I listened to the first two episodes on Spotify, fantastic stuff. And I was really fired up after listening to I ordered your mom's book. I'm so excited to dive into your mom's work and see what Stacey had to say about raising you. I encourage everyone else to go do this exact same thing. I'm really fired up to get into her world and into her lens. Nick, I have a couple of questions for you. The first question is for those that don't know the backstory of unic the quote unquote diagnosis is it pronounced Hanhart syndrome? Is that what it's called?
Nick Santonastasso 04:17
Yeah, yeah, Han Heart Syndrome, which by the way, hold on. Hey, thanks for showing up today. Give me Give me some round of applause for yourself. Because most people aren't taking time to go work on themselves randomly on an afternoon. So I just want to applaud you. And what I could tell about you is you want the next level of life. How many of you with a show of hands wants a next level of life, whatever that looks like for you exactly why you're here. So really, really honored to be here. And and before I start, I just want to give some housekeeping. I'm not here to give you answers. I'm just look, I'm just a little baby over here, right and just little baby Yoda. I'm short. I got a lot of wisdom. But more importantly, I asked great questions because I'm not here to give you answers. I'm here to ask great questions to lead you to your own answers. So if you want to note that Great Leaders Ask Great Questions to lead people to their own answers. They don't really know To certainly give you answers, right? So you want to come up with your own answers. The other thing that I just want to note as well is that change is hard. Like changing, changing your life is is is really difficult. And the reason being is because a part of you needs to die and let go of something that doesn't serve you and most people won't. And average is all around you. And it's really easy to be average. So if it's okay, today, I'm gonna push you and challenge you, and maybe make you uncomfortable. So you can have a next level of life. Is that okay, show of hands. Is that right? Yeah. Awesome. So the diagnosis was was Hanhart syndrome. And you know, so basically, my mom went in for like ultrasound, they sat them down, they pulled the baby up on the screen, and they started freaking out. And they said, Look, your baby's limbs aren't being developed looks like his legs are messed up, his his arms are messed up, and his face is messed up. And clearly, this beautiful thing was never messed up. So they lied about that. And they classify me with Hanhart syndrome. And I was the 12, baby and medical history that they've ever seen this happen to. And out of the 12, eight of those babies have passed away due to undeveloped organs. And so they gave my parents about a 30%, they gave me a 30% chance to live. And in that moment, my my parents made a massive decision. And the decision was that they were going to focus on the 30% chance of me living versus the 70% chance of me dying. And the reason being, I just wanted to touch on this the reason being I want you to note, this is what I focused on, I will get more of always, Can I curse here? Am I allowed to create my love? Of course here? Yeah. Okay. Authentic. No, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna write what I focused on, I get more of what I focused on, I feel, and more importantly, what I feel is my life. Now, what I'm going to do here today, as in Thank you, Mike for having me is, we're just going to make you aware of things that you may not be aware of, because the majority of things that are holding you back, you're unconscious, you're not aware of them, you only know what you know, and you can only see what you can see. But if you have a baby Yoda come along, and he says, Hey, there's a pattern here. And I identify a pattern for you, if you let that pattern continue to ruin your life, and whose fault is it? Our fault, right? So if I help you identify something like I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna work on it, then then that's your own fault. Now, now we have identified it, but we haven't eliminated. So all I'm going to do here today is called pattern recognition, is make you aware of patterns that are holding you back in your business and your personal life. So you can strip power away from them, so you can get to the next level. Sorry, Mike, that was my I'm gonna have very long winded answers.
Mike Abramowitz 07:18
Yeah, that sounds that sounds great. And by the way, if you haven't read Nick's book, or if you haven't checked out his podcasts, I really encourage you to do so because it's really great content that's available to you, Nick, in your book, there's two parts that I wanted to ask when you were younger. I'm gonna go to younger Nick to present, Nick. So the part where you're talking about the skateboard handstand, I saw you speak a few times and you tell the story. You said you failed before you mastered it. And you have this persistence of like doing this handstand. But you're a kid? Where does persistence come from? Is that something that you're just born with? That you know, or is that something that everyone has?
Unknown Speaker 07:53
Yet for me that persistence, I was stubborn. And so for me, I guess I had a chip on my shoulder to maybe prove people wrong. Because the moment I was born, the doctor was like, Hey, you're not gonna be able to. When my parents told me what the doctor said, they were like, Hey, you won't be able to dress yourself, you won't be able to feed yourself, your parents will take care of you for the rest of your life. And probably similar to you, everybody in this room, when someone tells you you can't do something, it probably fires you up to go do it and prove them wrong. Anyone relate to that? So I'm like, Alright, go ahead and tell me I can't do it. I'm just gonna burn it down. So I think the persistence came from stubbornness. But I want you all to know this, this is really important is that there's three parts of the brain. You have three brains, the first part of the brain is thinking, I want you to know this. You have your thinking, you have your doing. And you have your being, thinking doing and being. Now does anyone here remember the first time they learned how to drive a car? Anyone? Yeah, for some of you is like only a couple of years ago, you look pretty young. Right? That's good. Right? First time ready? Look at the first time you're going to drive a car you get in the car, you're like freaking out the person to your right. Maybe it's your parents or someone they got a little bit of pressure on you. You're like, oh, I don't want to do something wrong. You're checking the mirrors, right? And then you finally put it in reverse or drive you get going, then you get a couple of reps in, right? You drive a couple times. Next thing you know, on your eighth time you jump in the car, you blast the stereo, they're like, oh my god, what are you doing? And the mirrors already set, this smear is set and you back out and you just do your thing. Then you got more reps and you got more reps. And now you do things while you're driving that you shouldn't be doing true. Right for it. Maybe ladies are doing your makeup with some of your like filming a podcast like don't do that. Right? But like you're you have you ever driven from point A to point B and were like, how did I get here? Anyone ever been there? You're like, wow, that went by right? Because listen to me, because you did it with enough repetition to the point where you went from thinking to doing to what to being just do it. So that is the same technique that you need to use for sales and influence and communication and leadership. Right? You need to do it enough until you have a unconscious competence where you do it and it just is you. Right? So that's why people like how are you an amazing speaker, when you speak for 1000s of hours, it's just in you true. So the same thing for you, when you're leading, when you recruit room, you're recruiting when you're knocking, whatever it may be, when I do it enough of them get the results that I want. But something interesting that happens is we tend to miss diagnose ourselves. And how we miss diagnose ourselves, is say, you get into this new job, right? And you go to present and someone tells you no, because of that, no, and then experience that you got you then start thinking, Is this for me? Can I really do this stuff? Maybe I should do something else? Does that relate to anyone? Has anyone ever went to a job or a specific sale? And someone tells you knowing like, Is this for me? Can I really do this? And then you tend to miss diagnose yourself, you then develop beliefs and maybe sales is for me, maybe knocking doors isn't for me, maybe this job is for me. Maybe entrepreneurship isn't for me. So the real challenge here, and I want you to note this is I must be persistent enough to get a new experience or a new result. So it feeds into the belief about who I am and what I'm capable of. Does that make sense? Because this this happened to me, Mike, sorry for the long answer. But I just want to serve as an answer. Keep rollin for me, right? For example. Or let's give one say you've been cheated on because you got cheated on you then develop a belief that all guys and girls are cheaters. And because all guys and girls are cheaters you then project that belief into the future. And what do you do you attract another cheater and have the same old cycle? Because the belief so for me, I was 14 years old, there was a girl to the left. I mean, she's like, I don't even have to make fun of you, Nick, you're already too messed up anyway, look at you. And because she said that, to me, Nick developed beliefs that I'll never have a girlfriend that I never go to my junior prom. I never go to my senior prom and never have a wife. But it was all booked. I started to believe someone who was just casting stones on me to who sees that, right? So do not miss diagnose yourself, or let a family member or friend misdiagnosed you. Get your first Yes, get your first proof of concept. But Be persistent enough to get the first Yes, because once when's the best time to make a sale after the first sale after the second sale. But most people, most humans, not super humans, most humans won't be persistent enough, they'll quit and they'll misdiagnosed themselves when they can have their dream life right ahead of them. They just weren't persistent enough to get the results. So that's my handstand analogy is like I was practicing to do a handstand on a skateboard. And when I finally did the handstand on the skateboard, everybody saw the handstand, but no one saw Nick eating.
Unknown Speaker 12:28
And that's the same thing in business. No, everybody, everybody will see your new car, and they'll see your new lifestyle. But they won't see many how many times you knocked on a door and someone was like, eff off. Right? They don't see that. And you do that all the time you scroll up, you scroll on social media, and you see your favorite actors and your DJs and your influencers and your coaches and you see their current life, but you didn't see all the times Ah, so if you want to note my success is directly correlated to how much chaos I can withstand. And they're on that.
Mike Abramowitz 12:59
That's a great, great one. So love the light bulbs. It's happening. This is great. Nick, I have another question for you. So in the book, you talked about two examples of one with kickball and one with wrestling. And I want to tie those two together. Because one in the kickball when you were a kid, it's one of the mean kids said a crit, you're gonna let a cripple score on you or something, right. And it's like, you had these insecurities that got exposed. And from there, you also had this conversation where you had to cut off your arm or you chose to cut off your arm in wrestling. And you put in quotations. My own a quote, I read it. My arm pain in my risk of injury was the concern, not my quote unquote, disabilities. And you put that in quotes. So this example of like, this mean, Kid kept saying crippled and you put in quotes disabilities around quotation marks, why? Why do you choose? Why did you choose to use disabilities and quotations in your book as an example?
Unknown Speaker 13:55
It's a great question. So the reason being is because people look at me, right? If people don't know me, they look at me. And I'm like, Wow, I feel really bad for that guy. And then I would look back at them. And I'm like, I feel really bad for you. Because my life's amazing. And I'm probably doing more than you're doing and your full human, right. And so that's the perception of someone has of me of like, Oh, this guy is disabled. But most humans are disabled by their thinking, right? Like, by the way, just want to plant that seed. It's like, I don't have anything that like I don't have anything that you don't have, right? Like, we all have the same. I'm missing limbs, that see the only thing that makes me stand in a different way and have the specific amount of success I have as my son, my psychology, like, if you make 50k a year, you think a certain way. If you make 100k a year you think a different way true or false. Just nod your head if that makes sense. If I make a million dollars a year, I'm thinking differently than Nick, who's making 50k a year so it really comes down to my psychology, which a lot of people don't understand that. And the reason why people don't understand that is because most of us have been jaded by the word mindset. We hear it all the time mindset mindset mindset, and you're like mindsets motivation, and it's happy thoughts and you According and fairy dust, no one really does a good job of elaborating what mindset is. But mindset is actually training your body and mind over and over again, to actually unwire and rewire your brain. Did you know you could do that, like no matter if you're 5067 years old, you can unwire and rewire your brain through specific exercises. So putting disability in a quote, is because y'all think your physical body is your disability. Y'all think that the things that I don't have in my external world is a disability, when really all is your disability is is your thoughts that are holding you back your beliefs, your stories, your excuses, you're right like that. We all have, by the way, I'm not knocking you, we all have it. And so I'm going to help you leverage the brain so the brain doesn't leverage you and the brain leverage me for the majority of my life. So when I look quotes in as in disability, when I wanted to become a wrestler, my arm was about five inches longer than it is now my bone was going faster than my skin. So it was super sensitive. And if I would have hit my arm hard enough my bone when it came through my skin, that was the only thing that was focused on, it wasn't focused on like, oh, I have no legs, one arm, I probably can't wrestle. That's just the way that I trained my brain. I never saw this as a disability. And so I went, I went ahead and they amputated my arm. And I got my ass kicked in wrestling and wasn't the best wrestler. I had like two wins. But I'm saying is like most people would focus on like, wow, like, I have no legs have an arm, I can't wrestle. My whole thing was like, I just need to cut this off so I can get moving. Right? So that's, that's the difference is when you train your brain, you think differently. Can I take them through a quick exercise? This is okay.
Mike Abramowitz 16:30
Yeah, that sounds awesome. Because one of my next questions was going to be what tools can you offer? So this is great.
Unknown Speaker 16:35
Great. So what I'm gonna do right now, is I'm just going to take you through a focus evaluation, there's no right or wrong answer. I want you to play full out. There's no right or wrong answer, which by the way, what Mike said is like moments like these expose my insecurities, like, you have to condition your brain to be grateful for the moments that make you feel like, and the reason being is because if you never gotten knocked on your ass, you'd never have the opportunity to level up true. Like, if everything was always wins, you'd be like, this life is really boring. Like, I'm just a stunt, like, I'm winning everything. Like I'm just bored. Right? Now. Now, for examples, like if you go through life, right, and someone makes you insecure, you now have an opportunity to change the pattern. If someone makes you angry, that gives you an A golden moment to not be angry to override it. I call these override moments. So without you feeling the motions that you don't want to feel, you wouldn't have opportunities to grow and become more, right. The only time that I can work through insecurity is when I feel insecure. The only time that I can work through anxiety and stress is when I'm feeling anxiety and stress, I have to welcome those moments who sees that show of hands. Right? It's a good frame. It's like, wow, this is a worthy opponent, this is a worthy moment for me to do something that I don't normally do. So for example, if there's a specific person that I know there is, if there's a specific person in your life that does this one thing that makes you pissed off, guess what? It's not the person that makes you pissed off at you. That's your own trigger. It's not the person that triggered you triggered your damn self. Sydney has to your face, right? It's like dropping bombs here. I want to create a world where I'm not affected by the external because I have my internal control. So who am I trying to go around trying to make my environment trigger fi? There's no trigger free environments. The triggers just show you what you need to work on and what you're struggling with. So we're here to disarm triggers. Who's up? Who's up for disarming triggers here today? Right. And you will have them? Right? I don't even know where I was going to I'll focus evaluation. Yeah, great. So focus evaluation. So I'm just going to ask you a question. And I want you to be honest, why the by the way, does anyone know the saying that the truth will set you free? So don't quote me, I've done the work, right? Just do it for yourself. So the first question that I would ask is in my life already in my life, which by the way, I love this room, because a lot of you, I love all of you, some of you are very young. And if you can learn this information now, life will never be the same. People pay 10s of hundreds of 1000s of dollars to learn this, and you get the learning at your age. And if you apply it, life will never be the same. And some of you because I know the human brain, some of you will be like, Oh, that was cool. You write it down, you'll never look at it again. And five years later, you go, Oh, that was so good. It will hit like something that happened in your life. You're like, I should have listened to Nick five years ago. So don't do that. Just listen to it now. Alright, so the first question in my life, the majority of the times, do I focus on the things that I have? Or the things that I don't have? I don't answer yet. Just think about it. In my life, the majority of the time, so I focused on the things that I have, or the things that I don't have, right in my life, the majority of the times we focus on the things that I have, or the things that I don't have. Now one thing you need to know about the brain is your brain will try to talk you out of growth. So for example, I'll come on here and I'm like, Hey, I'm gonna talk about the brain and some of your brains go already know about the brain already know this stuff, right? I've already I've already heard that before. I was like, because if you heard it before, you'd be applying it you'd be at a different point in your life. Right? But that's your brain trying to talk you out of growth. Who sees that? Which by the way, your brain real quick before we move on? I want you to think about that question. But your brain wants what's known And what's comfortable? So so hear me out on this if your brain wants what's known and what's comfortable? That's right, exactly. It's a survival brain. When you start to do something new, what does your brain do? Your brain will go. Don't do that. hit the snooze button. Skip the gyms I skipped leg day. So it's alright, but skip leg day. Don't eat the cake. Right? Has anyone ever had their voice heard their brain? talk them out of doing something that they should have done? Show of hands if you're honest, right? That's also a moment to override your voice. When your brain tells you don't? What should you do? Now I have to. And I've programmed my brain every anytime I'm scared, oh my gosh, I got to do it. Now. I got to override the choice. I gotta, I gotta unwind rewired? does that relate? Does that help? So like, notice, like, anytime your voice is trying to talk, same thing, you're gonna see a really attractive guy or girl and you're like, oh, and then your brain is gonna go no, don't don't do that. Don't go up to her and don't go up to him. What should you do? Go up to him or her? Just do it? Right. So let's answer this. Let's with a show of hands. How many of you find yourself focusing on a lot of things that you don't have? Okay, yeah, I appreciate your honesty. That's fine. Right? How many of you focus on the things that you do have here? A raise this one?
Unknown Speaker 21:03
How many of you are both? How many are like, I ain't gonna raise my hand regardless of what this guy says. Right? I see you. Awesome. Right? Now listen, one of the patterns that humans have is they focus on what they lack, true or false. You focus on what you lack. Now go like this. Here, come on, go like this. This is how I screw myself up everybody, this is how I do it. I focus on all the things that I lack. Now, when I focus on what I lack, I feel being the one to take action. True. True. When I focus on all the things that I don't have, I feel terrible. And because I feel terrible, I'm just not going to do anything. Right. So who sees that you may have patterns where you focus on things that you have and makes you feel bad, you can override that you can eliminate that pattern, show of hands who sees that, which by the way, all these things that I'm going to teach you and that you can apply are called two millimeter shifts, meaning a lot of you think and it's not your fault, you've been programmed this way that you think you need to make a massive change to change your life, when in reality, it's the accumulation of all these small little shifts. You don't need to make a massive change today. Just make a small shift today, tomorrow, the next day, and it accumulates who sees that show of hands? Right? What does that what does that hashtag stand for? I'm
Mike Abramowitz 22:07
curious, tiny actions daily.
Unknown Speaker 22:09
Yeah, I love it. Right? So you're already getting conditioned like this. So that was the first one do I focus on the things that I have? Or the things that I don't have? The next one is in my life? Do I focus on the things that I can control the things that I can't control? By the way? No right or wrong answer, there's probably you're a combination of both in my life, do it focus on the things that I can't control the things that I can't control. Now, how many of us realize there's a lot of things that we can't control that we still get pissed off over? It's a waste of energy? How many of you get pissed off and traveling? You got a lot of work to do. I'm just being honest, you got a lot of work to do. You can't control that. But you're letting it affect you. You're letting it affect your world. True, right? I can't control the fact that I was born with no legs on one arm. Same thing with it the half and the don't have it's a man with no legs, one arm woke up every single day and focus on all the things that they don't doesn't have, as my quality of life good or bad? Thumbs up or thumbs down? Down? Down? Yeah, down. Right. So I tend to focus on all the things that I do have. So how many of you find yourself focusing on a lot of the times and the things that you can't control? Anyone? Few of us? The hands are like halfway up, I like it. Right? How many people try to make a conscious decision to focus on the things that they can't control? Right? How many people just know they can shift and focus more on the things that they can control? There's, there's some work that needs to be done? Who agrees with that, right? Now, I want you to note a few things that you can control. A few things that I can control go really quickly. And then sorry, Mike, is my long winded answer again.
Mike Abramowitz 23:22
No, no, this is permanent. By the way, just the context of the question is going to ask you is you use these tools, I'm sure that you shared, the tools that you're sharing right now, I'm assuming was when you were in your hotel room in Miami, and you asked the girl on a date or whatever, and it didn't go as expected. And you're down in the dumps and you're feeling like, and you had to self correct. And you had a drop down menu of tools on how you can self correct. That probably also happened when suicidal thoughts kind of went in your head when you're getting fucking bullied and picked on and like, you know, all of the challenges. Most people aren't equipped with the tools that you're about to share? And what my curiosity is, and you could answer it or you could avoid it is why why like, why aren't people equipped with these tools that you're about to share with them share the tools, but at the end, if you want to share with them? Like, why aren't people equipped with these tools? You know, why don't why aren't they exposed to them? Why don't Why isn't that just common knowledge that everyone knows. So if you're given the told Yeah, I also want you to answer that question as well. That was my two part question. But keep keep rolling. You're You're doing great.
Unknown Speaker 24:21
That's a rabbit hole when I want to dive into right now. And I'll promise you I'll continue to take you through the process. But listen to me and it's a young crowds is really cool, is the reason why people aren't equipped with the tools is the very reason why you can go on YouTube and look at a Cardi B music video and has 500 million views and then you go to a video that could change your life and has 1000 And what I mean by that is like they don't want you to win. I don't know who they is yet. But they don't want you to be educated. They don't want you to know about financial literacy. They don't want you to win. They want you to be in the box true. Want you to be in the box, the nine to five Shut up, raise your hand talk when you're supposed to be talked to and which by the way, I'm not knocking 90 fives because I'm a firm believer is you identifying your version of success and pursuing that my version of success may not be the same as you. And I totally respect your version of success. But what I'm saying is for those that want the tools, they'll go find the tools. And most people aren't equipped with the tools because you're not supposed to be smart. Supposed to be a line worker, supposed to be a sheep. I'm just, I'm just being honest here. And the most dangerous information out there is the information you don't know. And you only know what you know, one day you woke up and someone told you that's a burden, you believe that? My buddy's like, dude, if they never named an octopus, and I didn't know what an octopus was, I would have thought it was an alien, right? But we just put a name on it. So the same thing, they're like, you go to school, and like this is the way and you say, Yes, this is the way which by the way, in school, you've got conditions, that when you take a test, how many right answers are there on a test? One thing about one finger? One. So you've been conditioned, that there's only one right way to success? And if I don't pick the right way, what do I I fail. That's because then you get into the real world. And you realize there's multiple ways to success, true or false. Also, in school, you were conditioned, that don't work together, don't share answers, don't collaborate, and then you get to the real world and you collaborate, make some of the most beautiful things true or false. So what I'm helping you do is unwire and break you out of the matrix, just saying, You've been conditioned, right? So they don't, they don't want you to have the tools. That's my answer. And I'm going to check you in Neo, Nick. I like it. I'm a big matrix guy. But the truth is, I'll give most of you the tools and you won't use them. I'll give most of you all the tools and you still won't use it. And the reason being is because you're comfortable, and you're okay with being comfortable. Now, I want you to note as well, that you can't teach hunger, not like hunger, eating, I'll eat all day. And I'm talking about hungry, like to want to be more to do more to give more. Hunger isn't taught, hunger is squeezed out of you and how hunger is squeezed out of you is by putting pressure on yourself. But also your whole life. You've been conditioned to play it safe. Hey, Nick, what's your what's your plan B? Hey, Joseph, what's your plan C? Right. Hey, Michael, what are you going to do if this doesn't work out? And I'll tell you this, people have multiple plans, they never win. Like my mentor would say, if you want to take the island burn the boats. But will you have the hunger enough to burn the boats? Now the truth is, humans, when they put their back against the wall, they either survive, or they thrive, they either die, they thrive, and most of you're going to thrive. So I would ask the question, as well as like, Where can I put some healthy pressure on my life, we've kind of put some healthy pressure on me. So it forces me to level up. So that's my rabbit hole is like they don't they don't want you to win. They don't want you to be educated. They don't want you to know about financial literacy and all that. I mean, why don't they teach about taxes in school? I want you to be slaves to the system. So that's I'm not gonna go into any more rabbit holes about that. Well, I
Mike Abramowitz 27:41
appreciate you. You're saying it because you're you're speaking the unspoken neck. That's really what it is. It's like you're speaking the unspoken people think it but they don't know how to contextualize it the way you just did. And that's really beautiful. And I'm glad you brought that up. Because people have multiple plans never win. If you want to take the island burn the boats. Amen. So true. Let's go Neo Nick, love me some rabbit holes. So insane, put healthy pressure on yourself. Most people don't use the tools because we're comfortable. And you can't teach hunger, the hunger is squeezed out of you. And it's squeezed out of out of you by pressure. I mean, just unbelievable content that's coming out of just that little little rant that you went on. And I imagine if you know, especially with your podcasts, your book and I know you have a couple of events and things that you're a part of. And then you do, imagine if we had even more time where you can like, really go through and dive deep into some of these rabbit holes. So I thank you so much. And I want to respect everyone's I want to respect your time. So I definitely finish up the tools here. Because these tools that you're about to share, I'm sure are really what's going to help people get unstuck, because they're going to complain, some people might complain, and then they're going to have that little voice. They're like, Oh, I can do something about it. And now this is an opportunity for you to teach them. What could you do about it if you want to interrupt the pattern? So sorry for the tangent. But I'm really glad we went on that tangent. You're
Unknown Speaker 29:01
good. So here, we pick up his note the few things that I can control. You're like, wow, I forgot what he's saying. I'm back to the kangaroo. All right. So no, by the way, if you can, please, you will win at a massive level if you control the controllables. And these are the few things that you can control that are going to make you superhumans ready. The first thing that you can control which I just taught you is your focus. Which by the way, a lot of the times your anxiety, your stress, your anger, your insecurity is self induced by what you're focusing on, you create it in relationships. Has anyone ever been in a relationship and created a scenario that was unimaginable? And then you snapped on that person? Yeah, I'm crazy. I do it to the brain, right? But I'm aware of the pattern I strip power away from so you can control your focus, right? The second thing that you can control, which you know this and it's so powerful is the people you surround yourself with. It sounds so cliche, but this is the gold and I'll shoot it straight with you if you hang around people who have unhealthy tendencies. It's only a matter of time before you start having unhealthy tendencies. You hang around People who are broke, it's only a matter of time before you start having broke tendencies, you hang around people who are toxic, you start to become toxic, true or false. True. Now that's really hard because sometimes it's your Listen to me. Sometimes it's your family and friends that don't understand your vision and you can't accept them. And, by the way, don't get off this call and be like, Hey, Mom, Dad, this guy with no legs, one arm told me to cut you off. Don't do that makes me look really bad.
Unknown Speaker 30:23
But what I'm saying is, you love them from afar, meaning you don't give them all your time and energy because you're trying to build a life for yourself true. Is that okay to say? You love them from afar, which by the way, I still have high school friends, like, I'm a human here, I have high school friends that are like, Yo, get our next Xbox. After you're done teaching. I'm like, maybe I'll jump on Xbox, right? But like, I don't spend all my time and energy on Xbox, or with my high school friends and with my business partners and building something, right? So just love them from afar. Don't cut them off. Don't be like, Hey, this guy was like, Hey, you're out. Some people you do need to cut off. But some people you just need to give only some of your time and energy to for some of you. You can't have specific conversations with your family because it just starts arguments. does that relate? So have them with me? Have them with Mike have them with your mentors, people who challenge you and see your vision is that okay to say. And the last thing that you can control is the content that you consume on a day to day basis. Your brain is a garden. Ready? Watch this your brains a garden? If I plant watermelon seeds, what am I going to get quick? In the chat? If I plant watermelon seeds? What am I going to get? You can live it to me. I see Sydney watermelon? Right? Ready. Look, I plant corn, what am I going to get? So you need to harvest you need to you need to harvest your garden you need to tend your garden. And I think it was I don't know if it's Jim Rohn or Zig Ziglar. But he says most people wake up, they check their Instagram, see the war, see politics, see the news and expect to have an amazing day not going to happen. How many of you woke up immediately check your phone and saw a text message, a phone call or an email that pissed you off. Don't do that anymore. Give yourself 30 minutes in the morning of not checking your phone and just being a human being just that small shift, my life will never be the same. And the last focus evaluation, and I'm all over here. But the last focus evaluation is in my life, do I find myself focusing on the past the present or the future? It can be a combination of all three, one more than the other. But I do it? Do I focus on the past the present or the future? How many of you? I'm just curious, how many of you find yourself focusing on the past a lot? Okay, right. Okay, future, how many agree the future is a muscle, you have to cultivate that you have to acquire that it's really hard to focus on the present. Now watch this, how many of you like to focus on the future, as the majority of the room, because your action takers and you're always focused on what you want to do and what you want to achieve and where you want to be true? Who agrees there's also a balance, because if you're always focused on the future, you might miss what's right in front of me. So we're all in our school. Welcome to class. We're all just figuring out life which by the way, as a kid, there's two things that happened to you as a kid, the first thing that happens to you when you're a kid is you think everything's your fault. Oh, mom and dad got divorced, what did I do wrong? Mom and Dad was struggling? What did I do wrong? And you then develop beliefs about who you are. And maybe it was your fault. The second thing that happens when you're a kid is you think all adults have it together? Is that true? We're just figuring it out. You were all split tests, your your parents were just split testing and figuring out how to be a parent, they didn't know what they were doing. Right and the most polite way. And by the way, your parents didn't intentionally pop you out and say, Hey, I can't wait to cast limiting beliefs on Nick Hernandez is gonna be amazing. He didn't he didn't do that your parents did the best they could with what they knew and what they were exposed to and how they were conditioned. And I know that may be hard for some of you to swallow, because childhood wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. And I understand that. But they only knew what they knew. And they were conditioned a certain way true or false. A lot of you can liberate yourself some some maybe from some negative emotions that you're holding on to about your childhood. If you're up for it, by finding the gifts and finding learnings in your childhood, they didn't know what they were doing. They were doing the best they could. Right. Now, for those that focus on the past, it happens a lot. You tell me in the present moment, can I focus on something negative in the past and feel it, I can write what I focus on, I feel what I feel is my life. So you get cheated on and then you replay it over and over again. You go like this again. That's how we do it. We screw ourselves up, right? Or someone tells you no, you get rejected, sale didn't go the way that you want and start replaying it over and over again. Right. The only thing that you should be doing in the past is is asking these questions, I want you to write these questions. Which by the way, the reason why questions are so important is because your brain is a problem solving mechanism. And it's always going to give you an answer to the questions that you ask it. But the truth is most you're going around asking questions. And if I ask this question, what kind of answer do I get?
Unknown Speaker 34:37
So a few golden questions. What did I learn? Who am I going to become because of what I've went through? Who that's a good one. Maybe the very reason why you love people so much is because you were bullied and you never want people to feel that way. Who How about that? Right? Maybe the reason why you're so passionate about being successful is because your family didn't have much money. What a gift they gave you. Who's up for that who's up for finding If you see what I'm doing here with the brain, in the mind, so who did I become? What did I learn? And what is the gift? What's the gift, let me find the gifts let me find the learnings. Because my brother overdosed on heroin and fentanyl. Two years ago, I will continue the pursuit of mastering psychology. So no one has to suffer like my brother did. I'm actually starting in the alcohol rehab facility space, lowering relapse levels. And I've never do that unless my brother died. So and they're all in there. But the quality of my life comes down to the quality of the questions that I asked myself on a day to day basis. You want a better life? ask better questions.
Mike Abramowitz 35:38
Sorry to hear about your brother. I just heard you say that in the podcast episode that you just released. And it is it's an epidemic right now. It always has been. But it definitely is right now. So you know, definitely sorry to hear about that. And it's beautiful to see that you turn in such a painful, terrible situation into a beautiful gift. And it was really beautiful that your dad leaned on you to kind of share the news with your siblings. And I think about, you know, not only your dad, seeing that you've grown up in this way. But I also think about you meeting the rock, Dwayne Johnson at the gym and him saying he wanted to meet you because of how you show up and you being at the UPW event with Tony Robbins in the front. And Justin McClendon is like everyone stand up, even you stand up. And you're like, What am I going to do? And anything from these moments of low moments to now you spoke on the stage, because you didn't let that insecurity or that circumstance or that challenge kind of detour you from where you were to where you are to where you're going. And now I mean, 10s of 1000s of people, you get a chance to influence an impact. Because you're applying the lessons that you've learned, you've taken these tools, these questions, the focus the psychology, and you're applying them to help a lot of people. My question is, is what can someone do as they're listening? Now, if they're listening today, and they're realizing that their their mess is their message or their gifts that they that they're starting to realize they can actually do something about it? What are some steps that they could take to like continue on that journey to continue investing in themselves to continue this conversation that's now starting to take place in their minds? Well, what are some next steps that they could take?
Unknown Speaker 37:17
Yeah, let me let me give you one that's going to help save you a lot of time. And it's a series of questions. So just write them down as I go, if you will. But by the way, before I take you through that, like this guy is always leaving on a cliffhanger. I want to I want to share something really powerful. What do you like about me just give me describing words. I promise you this is in the feed my ego, right? Like characteristics that you like, passion, authentic honesty, your outlook, real positive, real real charisma of caring honesty, your energy, your passion, transparent, straight to the point, passion, willingness, honesty. Ready? Watch this. I appreciate it. You filled my head up enough. What you like about me, is already in you. That's why you like it. What you like about me, and you see in me, you love it. And you notice it because it's also in you. I am you and you are me. I'm a mirror view. What you don't like about others you don't like because it's in yourself? Oof. Someone give me OOF. OOF, I'm a mirror. What? What what you like about me you can do? It's already in you. Same thing that why relationships are so hard relationships are so hard because that person mirrors back what you don't like about yourself and what you need to work on. Light bulbs, any light bulbs, my blogs, I was like, Whoa,
Mike Abramowitz 38:30
let's go.
Unknown Speaker 38:31
Right. But just notice that what you see in Mike, you have a new, true. Sometimes it takes a baby Yoda to show a gift in you that you didn't see in yourself. And I'll be here to do that for you. But I want to let you know it's already in you. What was the question? I totally forgot the question, but I just wanted to share that.
Mike Abramowitz 38:47
The question is, is what could they continue? Yeah, if they wanted to continue investing in themselves, they're investing in their journey. I mean, and by the way, before you even ask that question, what was it like being on stage Tony Robbins hanging out with the rock hanging out with Joseph McClendon the third hanging out with Ed my lat like what's it like to see that your paths going from the insecure kid that is getting made fun of on kickball to the wrestler who cuts off his arm to the kid who's dealing with insecurities to teaching this message to the masses 10s of 1000s and people paying you 10s of 1000s of dollars to hear you speak for an hour and and by the way, just so everyone knows Nick is doing this for free and people pay him 10s of 1000s of dollars to do this for one segment. So someone put in the chat. It's like hey, what can you come to my school? Yeah, you damn right the first time I saw Nick they paid I think it was like seven grand the first time and it was like 10 grand the second time just for him to come speak and talk to them for an hour or two. So So I just want to say on behalf of everyone here thank you for doing this for us and speaking right now you're speaking to a whole bunch of Tony Robbins alum and I just want to say thank you so much and, and for for giving us your heart and giving us your mind and focus But first, what was it? What is it like when you get on that stage? And you're speaking to the masses and being in China and speaking to 10,000 people, right? And then also, the question is, is how can they leverage their gifts? And how can they continue this momentum beyond this conversation?
Unknown Speaker 40:15
Yep. So I think what's most powerful about hanging with these people is finally understanding that they're just humans, because a lot of times we put an end, I've done it, put people on a pedestal, and some people deserve to be on a pedestal for what they achieved. But understanding that you all have what they have, they just done the work. See the only thing that's standing in between you and the person you want to be I want you to note this, the only thing that's standing in between me and the person that I want to be is time and that person failed more than you did. Failure is feedback, they fall down, they fall down, the person who falls down and gets back up faster is going to learn the way rather than the person waiting for the perfect time. Which by the way, how many of you have perfectionist in here would label Oh, you just walked into a trap.
Unknown Speaker 40:55
So perfection is the lowest standard because you can never achieve it. You can't achieve perfection. You're always going to be waiting for the perfect time the perfect webinar or the perfect door, the perfect prospect. I'm always blown past you because I'm just going to be knocking on be going and you're waiting for the perfect time. Which by the way. Yeah, like what Jay said, perfectionist is the procrastinators way to feel successful, I was waiting for the perfect time, I was waiting for the perfect time. If you're gonna sit by and wait for the perfect time, you're gonna get destroyed by someone in me in business, because I'm just going to keep figuring it out. Right? So the steps that we can take back to this, the steps that we can take, I would ask a few questions. The first question and I want you to answer these on your own, that'd be really powerful is is one who am i That's your name. So you all know your name. That's an easy one. So who am I? The second question would be, what do I love to do? And I know that sounds so cliche, but like, I love to do this. And a lot of you have a belief that you can't monetize your passion. And that's, you need to let go of that as well. Right? So it's like, what do I love to do? And who do I love to work with? Who do I love to work with? Because how many of you realize in your, in your early careers, that there's some people you love to work with? And there's some people are like, I don't even care if I make money, I don't want to work with that person. Anyone ever been there? Right? So it's like, what do I love to do? Who do I want to work with? I would also ask, what is the result that I can get people? That's a big one. Because in the most polite way, no one cares about you. No one cares about your logo. No one cares about your background, they care about what you can do for them. True False, is care about what you can do for them, what's the result that you can get me? Right, some of you like, I'm gonna wait for my logo to be perfect before I launch this, and let's launch that. They don't care about it. There's what can you do for them? And I'd also ask is, how do they change as a result of my my gifts? Like, how do they change? Maybe you give them financial freedom? Maybe you give them stability? Maybe you fixed for credit, I don't know what it is, right? But how do they change as a result of my gifts and my services? Now, what you'll notice, is the majority of those questions are outward facing, they're not about you. They're about who they're about other people. So those questions teach you how to be an outward person and not an inward person. The only real question was like about you is like, who am I? And you already know who you are. And what do you love to do? The rest were about how you how you can help others. I forget, it was I think it was Jim Rohn or Zig Ziglar. But one of them said, If I help people, if I help enough people get what they want. I can have anything I want my life. Zig. Yeah, Dan says casetta. Good. Good to see you brother. Zig said it. Right. So I would say for all of you, those few questions that I just asked and gave you is like, always go back to them always answer them. The other thing that I would do is get really clear on what I want. For example, your brain is always going to take the path of least resistance ready, watch this, your brain is always going to take the path of least resistance. So you'll say I want more money. And you'll go outside and just we'll find $1. And the brain will go okay, job's done. Congratulations. Yes, you hit your goal. Yeah. Right. We'll say I want to lose weight, and then your brain will go, okay, you'll go to the bathroom lose two pounds, and your brain will go Yeah, we lost. We did it. We lost weight. It's amazing, right? I don't want to do that. Right. So you need to be very clear on what you want. So for example, over here on my board, you can't see it. But this year, I know exactly what body fat percentage I'm going to be at. I know exactly how much money I want in my savings account. I know exactly how much money I want to put investments like clarity is power. And the more crystal clear you are, the easier it is for you to get what you want. True. Because your brain is a detective, it's always looking for the network's resources and opportunities to help you get there quicker. But why most people are poor or struggle and I'm not saying poor just financially, just as in quality of life, is because they're always focused on what they don't want. So they get more of that's true. I always focus on what I don't want, I'm gonna get I'm gonna get more of it. Right. So that's what I'm glowing today. Look, this is just a perfect moment, the sun hit me at the perfect time. Congratulations on being in the right place at the right time. And so those are the few steps that I would take. Also, I would pick three to four people who have the life or the results that you want and model them. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. You just got to make it smoother. Just got to make it you find your top producer and go spend more time with them. And I promise you you'll make more money. Snap your fingers for Um, yeah, pretend, pretend Here you go that fast by proximity. But make sure you're learning from someone who has the life or has the results that you want. Because there's too many people giving you health advice who are overweight, there's too many people giving you financial advice who are broke. There's too many people giving relationship advice, who don't even have a good relationship. So make sure you're learning from those who have the results that you want. And Mike, I just want to end with this too, is I think, Mike, that was like, I think it was like two or three years ago, we took that picture. And he said, my speaking fee was 10 grand. Now, two years forward, people pay me 35 to $50,000 for an hour bow. Now, write this down, I'll never make more than I think I'm worth. I will only make as much as I think I'm worth. If you think you're worth $7,000 an hour, you'll get $7,000 an hour. Now with my tools and my certainty and my skills and my mastery, I think I'm worth this. So I get that. Which by the way, the reason why you're here is because you know, you're worth more, which by the way, most people don't figure that out to like 5060 years old, and it's too late. So give yourselves a round of applause. You know, now you got more to do more to be, there's a better life out there. How many people realize there's more that you got to do? You're like, I got lots of things to do in this lifetime. Let's ride. Let's go. So I never made more than I think I'm worth. That's why self worth and confidence is the foundation to your success. And how you build confidence and self worth? Very simple. You ready? Is you do this, you say you're going to do if you make a promise, keep it because when you make a promise and you break it, what is it easier to do if I break one promise? What do I do? And to break another? And then what I'm bringing another? Right? I'm like that and food I eat one Oreo? Oh my God, just give me the Ben and Jerry's. Let's burn it down. Right? Let's just keep eating anyone. It's like, Oh, I've already screwed my diet up today. I might as well burn it down. Or I skipped leg day today. I might as well skip it for the rest of my life. I know all of you and you're skipping leg day, you ain't showing your legs on camera, probably because you're in your boxers, right. But I know you're talking about. So very simple. Let's make it very simple. If I say I'm going to do something, what should I do? Do that. Alright.
Mike Abramowitz 47:03
Yeah, Nick, there's so so much value who these these questions this drop down menu of questions, who am I? What do I love to do? Who do I love to work? With? What results? Can I help get people? How do they change as a result of my gifts? But what powerful questions and tools. And if anybody feels stuck? Nick just gave you a menu of questions that you could reflect on and journal through and capture, because as he as he revealed to you is the answers are within you, you already have the answers. But sometimes you need to draw them out. Hence what education means education is rooted from the Latin word as Yukari, which means to draw out, meaning it's already inside of you, you just need to draw it out of yourself. And that's why having a mentor in someone like Nick to be able to draw out your gifts and draw out the potential so and I really love the part that you mentioned about off self and on purpose essentially, like helping other people. And I know you talked a little bit about your brother. And in the book, you talked about your quantum moment where the mom told you because you're playing during the sport, her daughter is now inspired to do a sport and you have this real big passion to help other people. And I think it's so beautiful, because a lot of the individuals that are on the zoom right now have the exact same focus they want to they want to become a better version of themselves so they can help other people with and leverage those gifts. So I know we're at the top of the hour, Nick and I respect your time, I told everyone's like, Hey, he's probably gonna only give us like 30 minutes. I mean, he's not charging us anything. And he's doing this for free as a gift. So he might give us like 2020 30 minutes, and you've already been at it for 60. And I really truly, truly grateful that you're doing that if they wanted to continue the conversation with you. If they wanted more of Nick, what what can they do to by the way, hit it hit us up in the chat? Hit us up in the chat. But would you like to continue the conversation with Nick, like if there was opportunities for that where you could still have access to him? You know, obviously, you know, he has his book and I just picked up his mom's book. So just want to shout that out too. Born to break the boundaries, how we raised an adaptive child in a handicap world. I'm really excited to read the 174 pages of gold that Stacy Sampson estado has put together for us. So I'm really excited about that. But what what could that potentially look like if they wanted to keep the conversation going?
Unknown Speaker 49:12
Yeah, so what's Let me ask this question, how many of you would like to spend five days with me for like two hours a day and just go hard and just grow massively in all areas, body mind relationships as well? Show of hands Anyone up for that? Right? Two hands? Anyone got two hands? Alright, good. Throw them up. Awesome. So what I'm doing is I'm doing my new superhuman U event. And it's a virtual event. And it's free, there is an option to be VIP. So you can be on Zoom and go further faster. That's there. But I also want to just offer a free option for anyone that wanted to hang around. I think Mike has a link to and I don't know the exact date yet, but I would highly suggest is just click the link and you secure your spot. And like I said, it's free. I mean, this is a way for you to spend like five days with me and really go hard and kind of building out a map a whole map of your body, your mind your relationships and your wealth. And we're going to probably have a couple of 100 people probably over 1000 people tuning in. And this is, like I said, this is this is my purpose is to help people break out of the conditioning that's been holding them back. Because the truth is, there should be no reason why a man with no legs, one arm has an amazing life with cars and the businesses and the money and the fulfillment, and you shouldn't have it either. Right? Like, I just want to transfer my psychology and my operating system to you. So you can go use it, right? Because what I teach is just how to be, how to be a good human, how to over deliver, how to serve, how to make great money, like who's up for doing all those things, retiring, your parents breaking generational curses, like all that different types of stuff. And so that's what I said, if you're up for it, I invite you. So that's what I do, I invite you to come spend five days with me. And I promise you if you thought this was powerful, imagine spending five days with me, you have a lot of shifts and a lot of breakthroughs. And like I said, there is an option for you to go further faster and be on zoom with me you have an extra session, it's like 97 bucks. But how many of you think that this session today was worth over? $97. This is good. Great, awesome. And so that's what I do, I invite you to come share, share some time with me at that event. And also, I just want to commend y'all, because you guys are hungry, you guys or girls are hungry. And it's really, really inspiring to see you want to be more to do more, but most importantly, to show up, take notes, be attentive, retain the information. And that says a lot about who you are. And it says a lot about Mike and those that you're in proximity of. So I'm really proud of you guys. And I'll end with this is the person you see here speaking, I built this person, I was I wasn't always this person. I wasn't this person six months ago, it wasn't this person a year ago, like I'm constantly building and building and building. And that's what I'm going to help you is become a superhuman and give you the tools. So even if you have me or you don't have me you can go out in the real world and continuously become a superhuman. And and like I said, the reason why I'm still here is because one of my core beliefs is I always win because I over deliver. That's why I wasn't going 20 minutes, I'm not going 30 minutes, I will go two hours if we could get keep going. Those who over deliver, always win. And so I hope I over delivered here today for you, I hope this was really impactful for you. And more importantly, please don't close your notebook and never look at the notes again, I will smack you don't do that knowledge is potential power. But the real power comes from when you implement and apply the knowledge. You all know people who have a ton of knowledge but are still not doing anything in life. Because they don't apply the knowledge that they have. Don't be that guy or girl. Apply the Knowledge. And I look forward to seeing you in our new superhuman event.
Mike Abramowitz 52:30
Nick, thank you so much, brother, I really appreciate you man. Is there something that we could do to help help support you at any in any way at this point right now?
Unknown Speaker 52:39
Yeah. So what you see here, this was me just kind of scratching the surface and freestyling. But yeah, I'm here to serve teams, I'm here to serve individual individual teams, or anywhere where you feel like this message would impact and help sales rep be, but also come to the event. Like there's a free option. If you don't take a free option, like go back to that thing, right? It's like but also $97 to go further faster, and be in zoom with me, I highly suggest that. And then also, if you're going to the event, or you know someone that could be benefited from the event, just share with them. There'll be little I don't got feet. So be my foot soldiers and just share the event, share the event share the event, because I firmly believe that you're one person away, you're one sentence away, you're one piece of information away from changing the trajectory of your life. Like how many of you I said one thing you were like, I will never forget that one thing you said, right? Let's continue to do more of that. And imagine being that guy or girl who shared an event to someone that was struggling. And because they went to the event their life was changing, you are a big part of that. So that's what I'd say I'm here to serve teams if you want to come in and bring me in to speak. But other than that just come to event playful out and change your damn life. All right, in a good way. You're not broken, you don't need to be fixed. But let's do more, be more, serve more, give more, expand more and become a better version of ourselves. All right.
Mike Abramowitz 53:54
If you're like me, you're probably blown away by that conversation. I mean, he is just an incredible human being. And if you're listening to this podcast episode on Spotify, or Apple or anchor, I recommend you making your way over to the YouTube channel. So you can watch Nick speak live. So you can see what a beautiful soul he is. And from this, you'll notice a couple of my takeaways. He said Great Leaders Ask Great Questions. And he talked about where his focus goes is where his energy flows. He talked about the pattern recognition, the three parts of the brain, the thinking, the doing the being, he talked about being persistent enough to get another experience. He said most humans are disabled by their thinking, not by their physical body. What a beautiful heart he has. I love his focus questions when he was talking about the focus of you conditioning your brain to be grateful for the moments that you that make you feel like you're feeling like what do you say like little I think is the way he said it. Right? So focusing on your gratitude when you're feeling low energy. He also talked about the tools that he gave have you to be equipped in order for you to go from where you are to where you want to be how you can ask certain questions how you can redirect the quality of your life. What you don't like about people is probably what you don't like about yourself and what you love about other people's probably what you love about yourself and being more of a solution finder, where your identity and for who you're becoming. I know he talked a lot about clarity and how the power of clarity and having people that you can role model in your life and people who have what you want, and how you can embody that even more. So again, fantastic episode, it might be one of those that you go back and listen to again. And if you haven't done so yet, you will put the link in the show notes. Please join Nick live, it's only going to benefit you in the long run. He's giving complimentary as you heard in the episode, he charges about $50,000 right now for a keynote message, and you get a chance to enjoy him live for a couple of days for free. He's offering that to you as a listener to the better than rich show. So make your way over to his link. And check that out. And if you want some more content and more context around, discovering your purpose around figuring out what your identity is, and getting a little bit more of an intimate one on one type of feel, and a more more immersive type of experience where you get more of myself more of Andrew Biggs picking apart your values and your identities and and who you're becoming and what your purpose in life is and what you're out to accomplish. And what problem are you here to solve in the world. And what is your message to the world if you need a little bit more support with building your self confidence and building up the next chapter of your life and also how you're going to finish off the 2022 goals that you have set for yourself and what your intentions are. And if you feel a little stuck, how to get unstuck. If you want some support with that I would make your way over to better than Your purpose again better than Your purpose because we're putting on an event to help with discovering your purpose. I know if you're a listener and a fan of the show, you may have joined us in Mexico, we had 21 of you out in Mexico for a retreat for forest through the trees back in November 2021. But we're doing another immersive type of experience similar to that to help you discover your purpose and go to better the Your purpose to get some information about our upcoming event. And we would love to have you there. And if you are unsure about whether or not you can make the event or not, at least hop on a call with myself or with Andrew where we could poke around your values and poke around your identity and poke around asking you a couple of questions around your purpose. We would love to do that for you for free as a complimentary gift of being a fan and a follower and a supporter of the betterment show. So either way, make your way to veteran Your purpose and you can register for a complimentary call on that link. And you could also get information on the upcoming event. So as we always say, we appreciate you thanks for being followers of the show. And make sure to leave today better than you found it. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to help support the show, please share it with others post about it on social media or leave a rating and review. To catch all the latest from us. You can follow us on Instagram at better than underscore rich and join our Facebook group at the better than rich show. Thanks again for listening. We look forward to seeing you next time and remember, leave today better than you found it
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