How to Avoid Burnout, Build Trust, and Lead with Confidence with Cory Carlson | The Better Than Rich Show Ep. 142
Explore the transformative power of self-reflection and breaking free from the constraints of insecurity
Explore the transformative power of self-reflection and breaking free from the constraints of insecurity 〰️
How to Avoid Burnout, Build Trust, and Lead with Confidence with Cory Carlson
In a world where business often feels like a relentless pursuit of success, we often overlook a crucial aspect of leadership – the internal journey. Corey Carlson, a seasoned executive and leadership coach, delves into this often-neglected territory in a profound conversation on self-reflection, confidence, and intentionality.
At the heart of Corey's insights is the concept of "head trash." He defines it as the negative self-talk and limiting beliefs that can hold us back from realizing our full potential. Whether you're a business leader, entrepreneur, or an individual striving for personal growth, we've all encountered moments of self-doubt and insecurity. These feelings can become the lens through which we view ourselves and the world, hindering our ability to lead effectively.
Corey emphasizes the importance of identifying and addressing this head trash. Through self-reflection and journaling, individuals can uncover the stories they tell themselves and work to replace them with empowering narratives. As Corey aptly puts it, "We can't lead others effectively if we're projecting our insecurities onto them." This isn't just about personal growth; it's about creating a positive ripple effect in your professional and personal relationships.
One powerful tool Corey introduces is the shift from seeking approval to leading from approval. Often, our actions are driven by a desire for external validation, whether from colleagues, clients, or society at large. However, Corey encourages us to recognize that our worth isn't tied to the approval of others. Instead, he suggests anchoring our identities in our intrinsic value as individuals. When we lead from this place of self-assuredness, we become more authentic, confident, and inspiring leaders.
Corey's insights extend beyond personal transformation into the realm of business leadership. He addresses the common challenge faced by many CEOs and entrepreneurs – the reluctance to delegate control. He advises that by holding onto too many responsibilities, leaders can inadvertently become the bottleneck for their organization's growth. To break free from this constraint, Corey recommends the "time audit" approach. Leaders should assess their tasks based on their value and delegate those that don't require their unique skills. This not only liberates their time but also empowers their team to take on more responsibilities.
In the quest to be "Better Than Rich," Corey reminds us that wealth extends far beyond monetary gains. It encompasses spiritual, relational, and personal capital. Leading with intentionality in every aspect of life is the key to achieving holistic wealth.
Corey Carlson's insights provide a roadmap to transform not only your leadership style but also your life. By shedding the head trash, leading from approval, and embracing the power of delegation, you can become a more impactful leader and find fulfillment beyond mere financial success. It's a journey toward being "Better Than Rich" in every sense of the word.